(+420) 234 244 324   adela.kalna@famu.cz

Masterclass with Christian Berger on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 10:00

For anyone interested in lighting: On Tuesday, there will be a masterclass and workshop with Christian Berger. The program will start by a talk including some intro of what his CLR system is. Afterwards at about 12:30, Christian Berger together with his gaffer Jacob Ballinger will do a practical explanation of how Christian lights with a miniature set that he will bring, and then let the students experiment with the reflectors in the studio (lighting a close-up).

Ideally, come well prepared with questions you want to ask.

There is a limited number of 15 places for this exceptional workshop, so if you are interested, please do not hesitate and sign up by Sunday evening by e-mailing lucie.grant@famu.cz. The registrations will be taken in the order of arrival, first come, first served. Those attending the Tuesday event get a pass to the Masterclass in Bio Oko on Monday, too. More details will be sent along with registration confirmation.



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Vyzvednutí prací do bakalářského studia

Práce nepřijatých uchazečů z přijímacího řízení pro akademický rok 2025/2026, je možné si vyzvednout do 15.5. 2025, na katedře kamery. VŽDY VE STŘEDU od 9:00