(+420) 234 244 324   adela.kalna@famu.cz

Guided Tour of the National Gallery for International Students

Are you interested in art, galleries and museums, read on!

How many exhibition spaces and which special collections does National Gallery (NG)  in Prague have? What more can NG offer to its visitors? Join another guided gallery tour organized for international students by Study in Prague and find out even more; the tour will also take you to the NG collection of Czech contemporary art.

Wednesday 21st November 2018 from 4.20 p.m., Veletržní palác (Trade Fair Palace), Dukelských hrdinů 47, Prague 7.

If you are interested, please fill in our sign-up form here: https://1url.cz/dMWyr

More: https://www.umprum.cz/web/en/umprum/tnational-gallery-trade-fair-palace-guided-tour-for-international-students-7836?r=1


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Vyzvednutí prací do bakalářského studia

Práce nepřijatých uchazečů z přijímacího řízení pro akademický rok 2025/2026, je možné si vyzvednout do 15.5. 2025, na katedře kamery. VŽDY VE STŘEDU od 9:00