(+420) 234 244 324   adela.kalna@famu.cz

CHOREATURA Studio is looking for cinematography students and professionals to film their Time Flows project on the streets of Prague during daytime performances on June 7th and 8th!

Gleb Galkin is inviting cinematography students and professionals to film their project, the Time Flows, a part of the Prague Quadrennial Festival 2019, on the streets of Prague during daytime performances on June 7th and 8th.  

Read on for more details:

Hello! My name is Gleb. I’m a co-founder of CHOREATURA studio recently founded interdisciplinary practice by choreographer Marina Levakova and architect Gleb Galkin (myself). The studio is working on choreography, installation art and scenography projects.
Our project „Time Flows“ was selected out of 17,000 applications to participate in a great upcoming Prague Quadrennial festival 2019 (https://www.pq.cz).
Starting its history in 1967, festival is an act of cultural unity of artistic communities and visitors from all over the world. This festival was an important stage for many great creators such as Salvador Dali, Oscar Niemeyer and Renzo Piano, just to name a few.
Main project idea is to discover and materialize the paradox of humans, with different perceptions of TIME, coexisting in one urban space.
We are positive that each city is a unique place, which runs at its own rhythm — and every human being has his/her own perception of time. To emphasize this phenomenon we’ll arrange 3 groups of performers (each with it’s own color, quality and speed of movement) going through an Old city of Prague, meeting each other in the most notable public spaces – squares, museums, churches and so on.
Currently we’re looking for cinematography students and professionals to film this project on the streets of Prague during daytime performances on June 7th and 8th!
In our work we’re trying to investigate all means of communication, that is why we would like to collaborate with as many interested individuals as we can. Keeping in mind constant movement nature of the project, „the main“ shooting positioncannot be found and arranged. Its more about shooting it from every corner of the street, to make a compilation of different views and perceptions of each person from the filming team!

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